Colorado Casino – The Ute People

Although Zach had told me about the Sky Ute Casino and its beauty, I had no idea until I saw it in “real life.” According to Zach, the Ute is the wealthiest tribe in the US, and their casino is a reflection of its wealth.

Going to a casino *anywhere* and telling people that you’re from Las Vegas instantly results in a nervous reaction, as if you’re judging them or something. Those of us who are local realists know that isn’t so. If anything, other casinos are a truer example of casinos. The Vegas Strip will always be unique and a standout.

The inside of the casino has a “locals” vibe (as opposed to the behemoth Strip casinos), and feels very intimate. The restaurants are larger than expected, and the casino has a few other amenities, including an indoor pool – it is Colorado, after all – and a bowling alley.

At any rate, the Sky Ute Casino is not just any local casino. It’s a unique gem nestled in Ignacio, CO (pop. ~850), serving as the showcase property in this tiny town.  It’s not just about the casino but also the Tribal government buildings and the museum, which together form the heart of the Ute government.

The following few photos are primarily of the rear exterior of the casino that faces main road.

These photos are of the interior of the casino. I especially like the sculpture at the entrance.


And then there’s my room. I didn’t take many photos because I was beyond exhausted, but here are a few.

Next Chapter: The Ute Museum




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