I’m a woman “of a certain age” and am not supposed to be a computer geek. While my “formal” computer education is rooted in mainframe computers (yeah – that long ago), just like many other fellow geeks, I’m mostly self-taught.
The (best laid) plans were all in place. All I had to do was to take all of the information, plugins, new theme, ideas, etc., that I had carefully prepared over the last few weeks and pull them together over a weekend. Install, edit, launch. Ta Da.
Heck, if everything went according to plan, I could knock this baby out in two days. Tops.
<<Geek Alert>> The gorgeous (not an exaggeration) theme that I’d chosen turned out to be very buggy. A couple of its plugins put the site in a loop, and I had to go to Filezilla to remove (via ftp) the problematic plugins. Twice. I deleted the theme and all of its associated plugins, cleared the cache, redownloaded it, uploaded it into the now pristine site, and watched it snarl up the works again. Many hours and two other themes later, I went back to my original and was pleased to see that they had upgraded, updated, and given me nearly everything I wanted. I just had to work for it. Hard. You’d be surprised how long it can take to create shadows for post containers./<<end of Geek Alert>>.
After taking days to do what should have been just hours, we’re finally up and running again. The painstaking work that I actually had to do was worth it, and even though there’s lots more work waiting for me, I’m good for it. I just need the blessings of the software/web deities and hope they don’t let me screw up.
Thanks for your patience, and welcome back!