I decided that I was going to do some ironing, and in order to do ironing (a sacred task rarely performed nowadays) I require some, let’s just say, distraction.
Since it was equidistant from where I left and home, I stopped at Cost Plus World Market in order to pick up a bottle of Rosé wine. I figured I would probably get a simple bottle of an inexpensive Côte du Provence and just quaff it while working. I figured I would probably pay about $10/$12 or so. As always, Cost Plus had a great selection of Rosé. I realized, however, that they were having a killer sale. They had four bottles or more for 20% off sale. That’s a bargain anywhere, even if the prices are already reasonable.
How could I resist?
I went through the bottles carefully, and eventually chose six instead of just the four which was the minimum. I don’t regret it a bit. The wines look like they of pretty good quality,

but most importantly to me, they are unusual. Of course, I have at least one typical varietal which is an Oregon Pinot Noir Rosé, but having a Rosé made out of native Portuguese grapes, a Malbec Rosé, and a Rosé from Corsica, makes the selection very unusual. Later in the week I will probably go and pick up a couple of more bottles because they will sustain me through at least a part of the rest of the summer, I think.
In many people’s lives, Rosé wines have supplanted whites as the wines of summer. In fact, the color of the wine no longer dictates the season in which it’s drunk. Just like a lot of other wine aficionados, I enjoy drinking reds in the summer as well as whites and Rosés in the winter. It all comes down to my mood, the music, the food, the company, and more. So I recommend that you run down to Cost Plus and check to see if the sale is still going on. My guess is that it will be ended by July.
You’re welcome!